Professor Oscar D'Agnone MD, MRCPsych is a Psychiatrist Specialising in Recovery from Addiction

Professor Oscar D'Agnone is one of the UK's leading lights in caring for patients suffering from addictions. He is Medical Director for CRI (Crime Reduction Initiatives), which is the largest addictions organisation in the UK. He leads the medical recovery process for over 120,000 affected people across 160 locations with 68,000 people in structured treatment programs. He has authored the latest standard text books and guidelines on addiction, advises governments, whilst also maintaining a high level of clinical interactivity with his patients. He chairs or is clinical lead for many of the most important medical and academic addiction conferences both in the UK and abroad.

Prof. D’Agnone feels passionate about ensuring that the highest standards of care are provided to his patients, He advises NICE and the Home Office on more forward-thinking, patient-centred clinical guidelines.

Oscar provides comprehensive assessments and treatment for patients suffering from addictions and specialises in high risk as well as 'dual diagnosis' patients. 

Prof D'Agnone has over twenty five years of experience working across the United States and Europe in helping patients with addiction issues. He is a Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Director. Prof D'Agnone supervises more than 2,500 detoxifications per year whilst working for a number of clinical and rehabilitation units including CRI,  PROMIS Clinics and Withersdane Hall, which is set to become the largest private rehab in Europe.

He is author of: "Cocaine Addiction" and "Treatment and Prevention of Addictions" and is published widely in the professional medical press.

Personal Philosophy to Patient Care

"We have to focus on the individual. Everyone is different, I have never seen a drugs problem. I have seen people with problems and using drugs to deal with their problems, and that is entirely different"

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