Dr Dave Cartland

15 years of experience
Personal approach statement

Personal treatment philosophy

Focused 'Bio-Psycho-Social' aspects of patients presentation. Partnership with patient in treatment decisions ‘Therapeutic alliance’ to promote concordance.

The service that Dr Cartland offers is specifically a health and well-being advisory service, provided via the TotalDoctor platform.

Importantly, this service is a health and well-being advisory service, and Dr Cartland is not providing formal medical advice, prescriptions or treatments via this platform. By signing up for an appointment with Dr Cartland via the TotalDoctor platform, you will specifically be entering into an Educational Contract with Dr Cartland outside of and not subject to the remit of the General Medical Council or the Care Quality Commission.

To book an appointment with Dr Cartland you will need to sign up to TotalDoctor platform. You will be asked to register with your relevant details and you will be required to make payment for any appointments in advance.

Dr Cartland’s charges are:

  • £90 for a 45-minute slot
  • £80 for a 30-minute slot

It is very important that you seek urgent medical attention if you are acutely unwell. Dr Cartland cannot provide urgent medical advice or care via this platform, and if you think that you might have an urgent medical condition then you should seek appropriate help and you should not use this service.

Please go through the following triage process and answer the questions below accurately. This quick and easy system will highlight any symptoms or conditions of an urgent nature so that you can be directed to a more appropriate level of care.

Are you suffering from chest pain?
Are you suffering from acute shortness of breath?
Are you suffering from confusion?
Are you feeling unwell and you have a fever?
Do you have a non-blanching rash?
Have you developed a facial palsy, slurring of speech or weakness down one side?

Dr Cartland will not be responsible for any errors that occur as a result of inappropriate answers being selected or appropriate answers being ignored.

Educational Agreement

By signing up and by booking an appointment with Dr David Cartland via DrDavidCartland.com / TotalDoctor, you are entering into a formal Educational Contract with Dr Cartland.

Before proceeding, please therefore confirm your specific agreement with all of the following:

  • I acknowledge that Dr David Cartland will not be providing any formal medical advice; instead, he will simply be sharing his knowledge, time and experience, and all discussions with Dr David Cartland are for educational purposes only;
  • I agree that all records of services received are available upon request as “private member educational records” and not medical records;
  • I agree not to share those records with any third party unless I have the express permission of Dr David Cartland to do so;
  • I agree to be responsible for my own health, for my actions, my decisions, my choices and for the consequences of how I apply any of the information and knowledge I gain from Dr David Cartland. 
  • I attest that my actions on this and any subsequent visit to this website or interaction with Dr David Cartland is in my own right and in a private capacity, and not as an agent of or representative for any governmental or non-governmental agency or organisation whose purpose is to enforce a legal code, act or statute, or to carry out any mission of entrapment or investigation.
  • I acknowledge that I have read and understand the above, and by ticking the box below I agree, without coercion, to all of the above in full, in exchange for access to the benefits offered by Dr David Cartland via the DrDavidCartland.com / TotalDoctor sites.