Vasile Soaita

BSc (hons) Psychopedadogy MSc (hons)Psychotherapy & Psychological Intervention

Vasile Soaita BSc (hons) Psych, MSc (hons) Psych

Chartered Psychotherapist and Counsellor

Vasile is a highly qualified and experienced Chartered Psychotherapist, Clinical Psychologist and Counsellor. Following a Baccalaureat in Philology he graduated with First Class Honours degrees in Psychotherpy, Psychopedagogy and Psychological Intervention.

Vasile combines highly attuned empathy with self-awareness and is commited to effective treatment models with measurable results.He enjoys working with people from all backgrounds and is highly experienced in the treatment of trauma, abuse, addiction, depression, neurosis, family and marital difficulties and child-parent conflicts.

Vasile co-authored a Guidebook for Teachers, "The Prevention of Drugs Consumption - from Theory to Practice", and was Vice-President at the International Addictology Conference in Romania. He is often asked to appear and provide expert help on TV and radio. He is a Chartered Specialist in Clinical Psychology for the Romanian Psychological Society and Chartered Psychotherapist with the Romanian Association of Clinical Hypnosis Relaxation and Eriksonian Therapy. He worked for fourteen years at The Rehabilitation Centre for Addicted Men, which is affiliated to the International Federation of Blue Cross. Working in the UK, Vasile has continued his professional development (CPD) with NHS Wales University Health Board on epilepsy and dementia awareness. He is now a Clinical Psychotherapist at Withersdane Hall where he specialises in Group Therapy, CBT, Eriksonian Therapy and Family.

Vasile is highly people orientated and is motivated by seeing his patients maintain their absinance from addictive behaviours and develop their own paths to independent living in recovery.



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