Editors comment 

Professor John Studd passed away on the 17th August 2021. The enormous contribution that he made in the area of women's health and to our understanding of the menopause in particular cannot be overstated. He pioneered the use of HRT, setting up the first specialist menopause clinic in Europe in 1969 - in Birmingham. He also co-founded the National Osteoporosis Society, now the Royal Osteoporosis Society. Total Health had the honour of working with "The Prof" for over a decade and he will be very badly missed. However, his legacy will endure, and a number of specialist consultant gynaecologists who were trained by by him now contribute to Total Health - please email info@totalhealth.co.uk for further information.


Professor John Studd DSc, MD, FRCOG, has been a qualified doctor for over fifty years. He set up the first specialist menopause clinic in the country and he is a past Chairman of the British Menopause Sociey and current Vice-President of the National Osteoporosis Society. Professor Studd heads a team of highly experienced Consultant Gynaecologists at the London PMS & Menopause Clinic. The team includes Mr Michael Savvas, Mr Neale Watson and Ms Beverly Benster.

Professor John Studd is an expert in the treatment of menopausal symptoms, pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), osteoporosis and hormone responsive depression using hormone replacement therapy (HRT). He is a recipient of the highly prestigious Blair-Bell Gold Medal, which was awarded by the Royal Spociety of Medicine in recognition of the immense contribution that he has made to the field of gynaecology. Professor Studd was a senior Consultant Gynaecologist at the Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, London and also Professor of Gynaecology at Imperial College. He now consults privately at the London PMS and Menopause Clinic and The Osteoporosis Screening Centre, which he established and runs.

Guru and Champion of Women's Health

John Studd has been described as a “Guru and Champion of Women’s Health”. He has loomed over his field for decades, and has been extensively singled out for the quality and utility of his work. He is chairman of the British Menopause Society, runs the London PMS & Menopause Clinic, and in 2008 was awarded the Blair Bell Gold Medal of the Royal Society of Medicine for his lifetime contribution to women’s health.

He first studied at the Royal Hospital School and Birmingham University Medical School, following which he went to work in Bulawayo in the former Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). He then came back to the UK, where he qualified as a Doctor and, in 1969, established the first menopause clinic in Europe. He later returned to Africa, where he studied the mechanism of labour and published extensively on it’s complications. This set the trend for his ongoing career, with emphasis on both ground-breaking work in obstetrics and gynaecology, and furthering the cause of medical publishing. He founded the internal press of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, on whose council he served for more than twenty years. He has published over five hundred peer-reviewed articles and written or edited more than forty books.  Later in life, he has made a number of high-profile media appearances and is considered a spokesperson for the Ob/Gyn community.

In the early 2000s, he was involved in a controversy concerning hormone replacement therapy (HRT), the use of which he advocates in the treatment of numerous conditions affecting older women. Two limited studies were released in short succession suggesting that HRT was responsible for a number of potentially deadly side-effects. The effect of this was to cause patients to shy away from treatment which was often most appropriate for them. John has since worked to outline the flaws in these studies, such as the choice of one of them to observe the effects of a preparation which is not available in the United Kingdom, and has indicated the single factor – the continuous use of a hormone called progestogen – which may indeed be responsible for serious side effects. On a piece on his website covering this subject, he says:

“There is no evidence that oestradiol given in the appropriate dose in women below the age of 60 is associated with serious side effects although the addition of continuous progestogen may be the harmful factor in the causation of cardiovascular disease.”

He has also been vocal in a second controversy around the use of HRT; in this case in the treatment of menopausal, premenopausal, and premenstrual depression. He promotes the prescription of oestrogen in such cases, and is wary of the over-reliance of psychiatrists on classical antidepressants, which he considers inappropriate. He blames the psychiatric shyness towards non-traditional therapies on professional territoriality, and is keen to promote the benefit of patients over the professional stubbornness of some psychiatrists. He says:

“Gynaecologists have no desire to take over patients but wish to encourage psychiatrists to learn the simple practice of prescribing estrogens [sic].”

Professor Studd is still in active practise and remains an unparalleled authority in his many fields of expertise. He operates the London PMS & Menopause Clinic at 46 Wimpole Street, and the Osteoporosis Screening Centre at the same address.

See below to book an appointment or for a DEXA SCAN.


Articles written by Professor John Studd

Eleven reasons for HRT

Eleven reasons for HRT is largely based on the podcast with Professor John Studd and the subsequent transcript. Professor Studd answers questions about his article Ten Reasons to be Happy about HRT and adds an eleventh reason.

Gynaecology at London's premiere women's clinics

Looking for an excellent gynaecological service?

The Effective Treatment of Osteoporosis with Oestrogen Hormone

Effective treatment of Osteoporosis with Oestrogen Professor John Studd Editor's foreword

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

The use of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to alleviate the symptoms of the menopause is currently a hot topic. In this article senior Consultant Gynaecologist Professor John Studd answers questions about this treatment.

When is depression in women a matter of hormones?

It is interesting to note that the first account of the levels of depression in both women and men came from Charles Dickens. He studied the books of ‘St Luke's Hospital for the Insane’ and reported in his journal Household Words the increase in the number of women being admitted for depression, particularly in "women of the servant class". This gave an indication of the effect of both gender and deprivation on mental illness. The excess of the incidence of depression in women compared with men can of course, be the result of social and environmental factors but as it occurs at times of hormonal fluctuation it is most likely to be a result of these endocrine changes.

How should reproductive depression be treated?

Depression in women commonly occurs at times of hormonal changes. When taken together, pre-menstrual depression, postnatal depression and menopausal depression can be called “reproductive depression”. This term emphasises the fact that this is a hormone-related mood change that may well be most effectively and simply treated by a correction of the underlying hormonal changes. Effective treatment relies on understanding the underlying physical and emotional processes.

Top 10 reasons to be happy about hormone replacement therapy

HRT will stop your hot flushes and sweats Oestrogens will treat vaginal dryness and many causes of painful intercourse and lack of libido HRT increases the bone density and prevents osteoporotic fractures HRT protects the intervertebral discs HRT does reduce the number of heart attacks Oestrogens help depression in many women HRT improves libido HRT improves the texture of the skin "I am a nicer person to live with" HRT is safe  

Expert advice on hormone replacement and HRT

A nightmare of the future is that postmenopausal women with hot flushes, depression, sexual problems and low bone density, who need oestrogens perhaps with testosterone, will be given a SSRI and bisphosphonate combination. PROFOX, a Frankenstein combination of PROzac and FOsamaX. As these two drugs are now available as cheap generics they are already being prescribed together. 

Why women need HRT

There has been much controversy about hormone replacement therapy (HRT) since the initial publication of a Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study in 2002. This study linked HRT with an increased risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer.  However, in later publications by the same study authors it became clear that they realised that there had been methodological errors. These errors were around the over dosage to older asymptomatic women (women with no symptoms), and they have as a result retracted much, but not all, of the bad news. The major reported side effects occurred in the 22% of women over the age of 70. 

Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy FAQs

The menopause is a term that merely refers to the cessation of periods, for most women this occurs around the age of 51. The first important time is the five or ten years around the time of the menopause when the worst of the symptoms occur. This is known as the ‘transition’ years leading up to the cessation of periods. After the transition years there are then often problems of vaginal atrophy, painful sexual intercourse (dyspareunia) and of course loss of bone tissue (osteoporosis).

Women on Testosterone

There is often a delusion amongst patients that testosterone is a male hormone. It is a normal female hormone but it is not always understood that in healthy young women it is present in 10 times the level as oestradiol. Similarly there are many more Androgen receptor sites in the female brain than oestrogen receptors. Androgen levels begin to decline at the age of 20 and by the time of the natural menopause the levels are much reduced. Everyone is aware that oestrogen levels fall with the menopause but there is also a 50% fall of testosterone after a natural menopausal and a 75% fall in testosterone after bilateral oophorectomy.