Medical Qualifications

  • BSc Hons 1st UCL London
  • MBBS  UCH Middlesex London
  • FRCS (Eng) 1994
  • FRCS (ED) 1997
  • MCh (Orth) 1997
  • FRCS (Orth) 1997
  • Dip Sports Med 1998
  • Dip Biomechanics 1998
  • MD (Res)

Medical Experience

  • Professor of Orthopaedics, Division of Surgery, University College London

  • Divisional Clinical Director of Surgery UCH, from April 2009

  • Director, Institute of Sport, Exercise and Health, From April 2010

  • Programme Director, UCH Rotation since 2006

  • Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, University College London Hospitals NHS Trust.

  • Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Princess Grace Hospital, Private.

Prof Haddad is recognised internationally as an expert in hip and knee surgery. He is Invited speaker at International conferences on a regular basis and has over 200 peer reviewed publications.

Area of speciality/ particular clinical interests

Hip, knee and sports surgery including; meniscal repair, cartilage repair/ meniscal augmentation, partial and total knee replacement, hip arthroscopy, hip resurfacing, hip replacement and revision hip and knee surgery.