Medical Qualifications

MA (Cambridge University 1994) BM BCh (Oxford University 1997) FRCS of England (2001) USMLE 2001

Medical Experience

  • Gold medal winner in the Royal College cardiao-thoracic surgery qualification
  • exAMS Scholarship at cambridge University - top of class
  • Royal Society of Medicine Thoracic Surgery board
  • Royal College of Surgeons thoracic surgery education director and examiner
  • Consultant thoracic surgeon, Guy's and St Thomas hospital NHS Trust, London
  • Honorary consultant thoracic surgeon, Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton
  • Consultant Thoracic Surgeon, London Bridge Hospital

Area(s) of speciality / particular clinical interests

Surgery for chest tumours, including primary lung cancer and cancer that has spread to the chest. Surgery for chest wall injuries, especially fractured ribs. Surgery for pneumothorax. Surgery for chest wall deformity. Surgery for hyperhydrosis.