Medical Qualifications

Mr Thomas Ind qualified with a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery and Diploma of the Faculty of Family Planning. Following these, Mr Ind went on to receive his Medical Doctorate from the London University in 1994 and Fellowship of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

Medical Experience

Mr Ind is a member of a number of professional organisations including the British and International Societies for Gynaecological Endoscopy and the British and International Societies of Gynaecological Cancers. He is also Treasurer and Council Member for the British & Irish Association of Robotic Gynaecological Surgeons.

Mr Ind is a Consultant Gynaecological Surgeon at the St George's and Royal Marsden NHS Trusts, London, and is available for private appointments at the Parkside Hospital, London.

He specialises in the treatment of endometriosis and gynaecological oncology and is a specialist in gynaecological procedures including robotic surgery, complex gynaecological surgery, minimal access surgery and colposcopy.