Medical Qualifications

Mr Nicolas Beechey-Newman graduated from Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London in 1983. He then went on to gain 14 years' experience in general surgery before becoming a Consultant at the Breast Unit at Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospitals.

Medical Experience 

Mr Beechey-Newman is a Consultant Breast Surgeon and Clinical Director of the Harley Street Breast Clinic and also works as a Consultant Breast Surgeon at the London Bridge and Lister hospitals, London. Each of these clinics have a unique one-stop diagnostic facility providing the results of mammograms, ultrasounds and needle biopsies in just a single visit. 

Mr Beechey-Newman was one of the first surgeons in the UK to perform sentinel node biopsy and he has also pioneered breast duct micro-endoscopy in Europe. He has researched and written extensively on these subjects as well as breast cancer in women under the age of 25 years and Paget’s disease of the nipple.

He specialises in the treatment of breast disorders including benign breast problems and breast cancer and is an expert at breast reconstructive surgery.