Medical Qualifications

Mr Saridogan qualified in 1997 from Hacettepe University, Turkey and went on to train in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Istanbul, Turkey. He completed his PhD at the University of Istanbul.

Medical Experience

Mr Saridogan became a Consultant at the University College of London Hospital in 2000 and is currently the Lead Clinician and person responsible for the UCLH Reproductive Medicine Unit; he also leads the outpatient hysteroscopy service. He was ranked number one in a 2011 national poll of the best Gynaecologists in the UK for the treatment of fibroids.

Mr Saridogan is available for private patients at The Portland Hospital for Women and Children, London, where he specialises in the treatment of fibroids, infertility and period problems.


Treatment options

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Articles written by Mr Ertan Saridogan

Medical treatments for uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are common, and are found in up to 70–80% of women by the time they reach the menopause. Their prevalence increases with age, from approximately 20% of women at the age of 20 years to 35–60% at the age of 35 years. Fortunately, the majority of the fibroids are harmless and only half of them are considered ‘significant’. Due to the high prevalence of fibroids a large number of treatment options are available. These include surgical removal of fibroids (myomectomy), uterine artery embolisation (an angiography procedure, which blocks the blood supply to the fibroids causing them to shrink), high frequency ultrasound treatment and hysterectomy.

The causes of irregular and heavy periods

Irregularity and heaviness of periods may be due to a number of causes including fibroids (non-cancerous growths) of the womb, polyps (abnormal growth of tissue from the lining of the womb), thickening of the lining of the womb (hyperplasia), adenomyosis of the womb (non-cancerous condition of the womb that often mimics the symptoms of fibroids), bleeding or clotting problems, blood thinning medication, hormonal imbalance or, very rarely, cancer of the womb or of the neck of the womb (cervix).

Irregular and Heavy Periods

Irregular and heavy periods are amongst the most common gynaecological problems that trouble women during their childbearing years.  Published studies report that between 4% and 50% women suffer from heavy periods; this large variation is probably due to cultural differences and the way that ‘heavy periods’ are defined or measured. However, it is likely that approximately one in eight to ten women experience heavy periods.

Medical investigations and treatment for irregular and heavy periods

When a woman with heavy and/or irregular periods sees a doctor the first step will be the taking of a detailed medical history. Important aspects in the history are age, the duration of the problem, the length of the cycles and duration of bleeding, whether there are associated symptoms such as pain, whether contraceptives or precautions are used to prevent pregnancy, the history of smear tests and the possibility of pregnancy. 

Endometriosis: Latest treatment options

Endometriosis is defined as the presence of tissue or cells from the lining of the womb (endometrium) elsewhere in the body. It is most commonly found around the uterus and ovaries, but it can be located anywhere in the body except the spleen. In the ovary endometriosis can form cysts containing old blood, also known as chocolate cysts (endometrioma) due to the colour of the contents. When it is in the pelvis it may affect the bowel and the urinary tract (bladder and kidneys). Occasionally it is found in the navel or operation scars. When the tissue from the lining of uterus is found in the muscle layer of the uterus it is called adenomyosis. Sometimes endometriosis and adenomyosis can be found together in the same woman.