Medical Qualifications

Mr Abiodun Fakokunde qualified with MBBS from University College Hospital Ibadan, Nigeria. He holds the fellowship of the West African College of Surgeons (Obstetrics and Gynaecology faculty) and a Member of the RCOG. He undertook postgraduate training at University College Hospital Ibadan from 1991 to 1996 and subsequently at the North Thames Regional Obstetrics and Gynaecology postgraduate training programme between 1996 and 2005.

Medical Experience

Mr Fakokunde has been Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist since 2005, and currently the Clinical Lead for Women’s Health at North Middlesex University Hospital. He does his private work as a Consultant Gynaecologist at the North London BMI Hospital Cavell Drive and King’s Oak Hospital, both in Enfield North London.

He is an honorary Senior Lecturer at University College London and the Royal Free Medical School, London. He specialises in treating uterine fibroids through open surgery as well as hysteroscopy, and also an accredited laparoscopic surgeon for ovarian disease and endometriosis; and colposcopy. He has a particular interest in menstrual problems, pelvic pain, anatomical issues with the vulva, screening for cervical cancer and colposcopy treatment.