Miss Tania Adib

Consultant Gynaecologist
BSc in Medical Science with Psychology, MB BS, MRCOG, MD, CCST in Obstetrics & Gynaecology with sub specialisation in Gynaecological Oncology

London Expert Female Gynaecologist

Miss Tania Adib is one of the UK's most highly qualified and experienced Consultant Gynaecologists. Miss Adib particularly specialises in the early diagnosis and treatment of gynaecological cancers, treatment of abnormal cervical smears, vulval disorders and the menopause. Dr Adib works privately from the new Women's Health super specialist clinic at 25 Harley Street.

Miss Adib qualified at University College London (UCL) and then gained higher specialist training in Gynaecological Oncology at The Royal Marsden Hospital in west London. She was awarded her Medicine Doctorate from University College London on her work on the genes implicated in ovarian cancer.


A Mind and Body Approach to Treating Symptoms of the Menopause

Miss Adib performs advanced laparoscopic surgery and is trained in hysteroscopic procedures which she performs in the outpatient setting or under general anaesthetic. She takes a holistic approach to managing the menopause, with both hormone replacement therapy but with a strong emphasis on lifestyle modifications. She specialises in the management of the menopause, especially in women who have had treatment for a malignancy. 

She has expertise in Colposcopy, and treats cases of pelvic pain, painful intercourse and irregular bleeding. She believes in prevention, and sees patients for screening for gynaecological cancers. Miss Adib runs a vulva clinic at the new 25 Harley Street Clinic where she works in close partnership with Dermatologists, Sexual Health Specialists and Physiotherapists. 



Diagnostic tests

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